The two options are for debugging purposes only; ----xxxx _s_c_h_e_d__l_e_v_e_l will out-
put debugging messages from _u_u_s_c_h_e_d and ----uuuu _c_i_c_o__l_e_v_e_l will be passed as
----xxxx _c_i_c_o__l_e_v_e_l to _u_u_c_i_c_o. The _s_c_h_e_d__l_e_v_e_l or _c_i_c_o__l_e_v_e_l is a number
between 0 and 9. Larger numbers give more detailed information.
Before starting to contact each remote machine, _u_u_s_c_h_e_d checks to see if
the file /_e_t_c/_n_o_l_o_g_i_n exists. If it does, the entire process is stopped.
_u_u_d_e_m_o_n._p_o_l_l schedules calls to remote systems listed in the file
/_e_t_c/_u_u_c_p/_P_o_l_l. Only those systems with listed hours equal to the
current time are scheduled.
_p_o_l_l_h_o_s_t schedules calls to the remote systems listed as its arguments.
The optional ----pppp causes _u_u_s_c_h_e_d to be started immediately, instead of
waiting for it to be started by _c_r_o_n. These two scripts are commonly
used to poll remote machines, because the remote machines do not call
this one, to minimize the delays caused by busy telephones, or simply to
test the connection. One of them is often executed by _c_r_o_n(1M) from an
entry in ////vvvvaaaarrrr////ssssppppoooooooollll////ccccrrrroooonnnn////ccccrrrroooonnnnttttaaaabbbbssss////uuuuuuuuccccpppp. For example, the following entry